Saturday, February 11, 2012

I have an interest in Pinterest!

Ok so I fell, and I fell hard.  I'm a huge fan of Pinterest.  At first I was on the fence to the whole concept, but I have already gotten some great DIY ideas and some fantastic recipes.  My user name is jamielynnss.  Short and sweet!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Souper Bowl Workouts

Yes, I know it's a corny title.  However, as the winter has been mild to say the least, I feel like there haven't been many stews or soups.  Typically you would not hear my complaining about this, as for most of the winter I've stuck to Progresso soups for lunch.  Low calorie, quick to eat and filling.  My favorite "off the shelf" soups are Campbell's V8 soup.  I am not even sure which is my favorite, but probably the Corn Chowder.  I know everyone tries to lose a few pounds after the holidays and before summer.  I too am on this horse.  So for me it's been Special K Red Berries for breakfast and then soup for lunch.  I have to work on dinners that are a little more healthy.  I also need to find time to squeeze in a workout.  By the time dinner is over, tubbie time is over and books have been read, I just want to have some 'me' time.  I just have to figure out how to turn that 'me' time into some cardio time, at home.  What are some of your favorite at home workouts? 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Keeping Up with the Kardashians

I find myself eerily drawn into this show every now and then.  I can't figure out why.  The Kardashians have nothing I want to keep up with.  Yes, "Keeping up with the Jones" is obviously something that everyone finds themselves plagued with from time to time.  No matter if you are a have or a have not, there are a limited number of people who that have it all, even then I wonder if they really do.  However, there are some people that I seem to find myself thinking, yes we should keep up with them.  There are so many women doing extraordinary things.

Here are a few women that I find to be more than interesting (in no particular order).
1.  Oprah
2.  Arianna Huffington
3.  Gabrielle Giffords: “She’s a shining example of strength, perseverance and the ideals that transcend party or politics. She has devoted her career to the idea of working together to make the lives of her fellow Arizonans—and fellow Americans—better." President Barack Obama.  I cannot imagine the strength and personal fight it must take to heal from her wounds.
4.  Masarat Daud-Jamadar
5.  Amy Stokes

Who are your inspirations?