Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Where are my keys?

For those who know me, and not even well, know that I can lose something very quickly!  Well I lost my keys at work today.  Not sure where, as when I noticed I was leaving with children in tow.  Not my finest moment.  So after much searching, I found my keys.  Now I did not find the keys I lost, as they were actually my back up keys.  I found the set of keys that I lost months ago.  They were in a fairly common hiding spot, the couch.  They weren't even that hidden, but again I have a knack for losing things.  I am always the girl that finds money in coat pockets that haven't been worn for at least a season.  But that brings me to my question:  How do you stay organized?  I have attempted the key dish, the hook and just putting them in my bag.  Alas, for any of these to work you have to put the keys in the designated spot and I cannot seem to make it a habit. 

Here is one of the most interesting and humorous and hopefully useful articles on losing keys!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Make life easier? Yes please!

I am constantly looking for short cuts and ways to make life easier!  I found this article especially useful.  There are some tips I've actually not even seen before.  What are some ways you make your life easier?

25 clever ideas to make life easier!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tasty Tuesdays

There are so many good restaurants.  Due to the overwhelmingly different palates of friends it can be more than difficult to find a place where everyone will enjoy a meal.  This is one of the reasons I prefer to go out to dinner with smaller groups.  However, if you include good beer the options seem to open up.  Two Stones Pub, is a fairly new arrival and a welcome one!  It was difficult to find an extensive microbrew selection in Delaware, but with the taps changing regularly TSP has become a beer drinkers paradise.  They also include a regularly changing menu, special beer dinners and weekly specials.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Facetious, Enchanting, Witty, Sarcastic

Starting a blog is something I've wanted to do for some time, but could not figure out a good topic.  Each time I would think of a genre of blog, I would find one already being written that I loved.  So then I thought, how do people find blogs?  I've just found them using Facebook or randomly clicking through the cyber-world.  At first I thought, who cares?  Then I realized that people care, for the same reason I care, because it is interesting to get a glimpse into the lives of others or find new people, places or things to love.  There is nothing about the blogs that I read that is similar, sure some of them have some over lap, but others have nothing in common.  Yet I find things on these blogs that are new and refreshing thoughts or products. 

I've used Facebook and email to share these ideas and blogs with friends.  While I don't always have time to read my favorite blogs daily and I'm sure neither do my friends, I thought if I post highlights, then people can get a cliff notes of the best posts I've read each week.  Also I figured I might throw in some of my own favorite things from time to time. 

I found this whimsical blog template from one of my favorite blogs:  Monograms and Martinis: The Adventures of KGB.  I met KGB when I lived in NYC.  She has an obsession for anything monogrammed and preppy. 

Also because it is the holidays I thought I would share my favorite card/stationary designer:  KOCO New York and the fantastic e-card site koco new york ecards!